Pink's Hot Dogs in Los Angeles, CA

In the heart of Hollywood, where dreams are made and stars shine bright, there's a hot dog stand that has been sizzling since 1939, and it's not your average wiener joint. Welcome to Pink's Hot Dogs, the little hot dog stand that could, and still does.

Pink's Hot Dogs - Chili Dog

A Humble Beginning

Picture this: 1939, the Great Depression was lingering, and along came Paul and Betty Pink with a $50 pushcart and a dream. Hot dogs were a dime, cokes a nickel, and Pink's was lucky to sell a hundred dogs a day. Fast forward to 1941, their landlord turned into the villain, raising rent from $15 to $25. What did Paul and Betty do? They convinced the Bank of America to loan them $4,000, bought the land, and started grilling hamburgers under a newly added cover.

From Pushcart to Permanent Home

In 1946, the Pinks upgraded from a pushcart to a snazzy building at 709 North La Brea Avenue. It had room for 80 hungry customers and parking for 25 cars. The menu was simple but delicious: chili dogs, hamburgers, and a price tag that wouldn't break the bank.

Flowers and Franks: A Dynamic Duo

Being the savvy entrepreneurs they were, Paul and Betty opened a flower store next door in 1958. Betty's floral skills kept the store blooming for a decade while she simultaneously ran the hot dog joint with Paul. Talk about multitasking!

Loaded Hot Dogs

Chili Dogs for Charity

Pink's isn't just about satisfying cravings; they also have a heart. Their chili dogs for charity program shows they care about more than just mustard and relish. It's about giving back to the community that's been munching on their dogs for over 80 years.

In the end, Pink's isn't just a hot dog stand; it's a slice of Hollywood history. It's where a dream, a pushcart, and a chili dog came together to create an icon. So, the next time you're in Tinseltown and craving a dog with a story, head to Pink's – where every bite is a taste of Hollywood's flavorful past.


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